Cost-Effective Packaged Programs
By Teresa Pirola
It can take a typical diocesan office many months to write and design a new pastoral formation program for its parishes or schools. As an alternative approach, Teresa Pirola offers a number of pre-prepared programs that allows a diocese or church organisation:
to purchase an existing high-quality, field-tested, print-ready formation program,
adapted as desired, with tailored edits and local diocesan branding (logo, Bishop’s foreword, etc),
at reasonable prices.
Here is a sample that may be suitable for your Diocese:
Water of Life
Infant Baptism. Parent Preparation.
This 32-page formation booklet is designed for:
parents as they prepare for the baptism of their baby or infant child,
parish personnel facilitating a baptism preparation session.
The material has been successfully used in the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay (NSW, Australia) since 2014, under the leadership of three successive Bishops. It offers gentle, family-friendly reflections on the meaning of baptism, attractively presented and designed to engage parents in the faith journey of their child.
A cost-effective way to revitalize your Diocesan Sacramental Resources
Purchase a diocesan license to publish and distribute this Baptism program (A4, 32-page, full colour booklet).
For a one-off price of $5,000* the package includes:
Print-ready files with text and illustrations.
License to use, amend, alter, reproduce, sell and distribute the program, as often as required for an unlimited period, for diocesan purposes within a Diocese.
Edits tailored to diocesan specifications. Price includes up to 20 hours of text editing or minor adjustments to layout, such as the inclusion of Bishop’s foreword and diocesan logo.
Permission for the Diocese to independently make its own future changes to the program.
License Agreement, to be signed subject to the approval of both parties.
What’s NOT included:
Exclusive rights. Your Diocese has a license to use the program within wide parameters, but it does not own the copyright of the original text, graphics and layout which remain the property of Teresa Pirola who may also sell the program to other Dioceses. A Diocese is not licensed to sell the program outside its Diocese without permission of the copyright holder.
Text or layout edits beyond 20 hours. Payment is required for additional work @$70 per hour.
Illustration edits. Apart from minor layout adjustments and minor graphic edits (e.g., inclusion of diocesan logo), new or modified illustrations are charged at $70 per hour.
* AUD. Package available to Dioceses with less than 80 parishes. Rates for larger dioceses: please enquire.
If you’d like to explore this offer, contact: