Unless a collaborative or editorial effort is indicated, the following titles were written by Teresa Pirola.
Titles are categorised as follows:
Books & Booklets
Parish Bulletin Resources
Books & Booklets
October 7: A Response to the 2023 Massacre in Israel and Surging Antisemitism in Australia. Sydney: The Story Source, 2024. 176pp. Details here.
Catholic-Jewish Relations: Twelve Key Themes for Teaching and Preaching. New Jersey: Paulist Press/Stimulus, 2023. 140pp. Details here.
Sweeter Than Honey: Tasting and Teaching Scripture. 80pp. resource booklet for Catholic school teachers, published by Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay, 2018. This booklet was also the basis of a substantial scripture-teaching website until 2021 (
Walking the Way: Inspiration for the journey as we walk with our children. 90pp. booklet of spiritual inspiration and formation for parents, published by Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay, 2017
River of Mercy, Streams of Joy. 60pp. resource booklet for Catholic school teachers in the Jubilee Year of Mercy, published by Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay, 2016.
God is in the Ordinary: Reflections on the Life of Blessed Edmund Rice. Perth: The Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers (Western Australia & South Australia), 2000.
Stories from the Prophet Next Door. Melbourne: Lovell/Aurora, 1998. Also published as 100 Inspiring Stories: Finding Love and Laughter, Hope and Healing, Forgiveness and Faith. Twenty-Third Publications, 1999.
Clay In the Potters Hands: Images of Priesthood. Melbourne: Spectrum Publications, 1997.
Becoming A Catholic: Journeys of Faith. Melbourne: Collins Dove, 1992. Interviews exploring the experiences of 22 people who become members of the Catholic Church through the RCIA.
The Reluctant Prophet: and other stories from the Antioch Movement in Australia. Sydney: National Antioch, 1991. Hungarian translation by Miklos Csanady (A vonakodó próféta) for Antioch Hungary, 1992.
Empowered People. New Jersey: Pastoral & Matrimonial Renewal Centre, 1986.
Walking the Way e-Bulletin. 150 weekly bulletin items supporting a home-based spirituality program for parents of school students. Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay, 2017-2020.
Family-based Sacramental Program. Five resource books for Infant Baptism, Baptism of Young Children, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist for Children. Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2014.
Seven Challenges. A pastoral resource based on Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium ("Joy of the Gospel'). Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2013. Circulated internationally.
Walking Together In Faith. Weekly ‘homework’ sheets for strengthening the parent-teacher partnership and encouraging a climate of faith in the home. The Story Source, 2004.
Put Out Into the Deep: 25 reflection sheets for pastoral councils (plus parish bulletin inserts) based on Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter “Novo Millennio Ineunte”. Sydney: The Story Source, 2001.
The Soul of our Week: Five-session parish discussion program. Sydney: The Story Source, 2000. Commissioned by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong.
Bread for New Life: Reflections on the Eucharist. Eight session discussion program for the Great Jubilee. Sydney: The Story Source, 1999. Commissioned by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong.
The Prayer Box II (with Peter Gates) Sydney: Pontifical Mission Societies, 1996. Distributed to Catholic schools nationally.
Remember the Children. Mission Week Resource 96 (with Peter Gates). Sydney: Pontifical Mission Societies, 1996. Distributed to Catholic schools nationally.
The Prayer Box I (with Peter Gates). Sydney: Pontifical Mission Societies, 1995. Resource for schools. Distributed to Catholic schools nationally.
Remember the Children. Mission Week Resource 95 (with Peter Gates). Sydney: Pontifical Mission Societies, 1995. Distributed to Catholic schools nationally.
Mission Monday: Teachers’ Guide (with Peter Gates). Sydney: Pontifical Mission Societies, 1994. Distributed to Catholic schools nationally.
Enquiry: The Catholic Story. An 18 leaflet program of introduction to the Catholic faith published 1994 by the Catholic Enquiry Centre, a work of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
Resource. Melbourne: Archdiocesan Office for Worship (four issues per year 1992-1995).
A Season to Listen. Youth Lenten Program. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1992.
“Antioch Mission Moves: A Strategy of Evangelisation.”The Good News of Antioch. National Antioch, April 1991.
“In the Silence is the Singing: The Paradox of Christmas.” Advent program. INFORM. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1991. Distributed nationally.
The Story We Share. Youth Lenten Program. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1991. Distributed nationally.
The Mustard Seed: How to grow a small faith group. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
Like Yeast In Bread: What to do when a small group gathers. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
"Young Adults" PARISH 2000 Strategy Document. Sydney: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
“Christmas - A Time To Remember.” Advent program. INFORM. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990. Distributed nationally.
Wellsprings of Hope. Youth Lenten Program. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990. Distributed nationally.
PARISH 2000 Family Take-Home Discussion Leaflets. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
“A Christmas Gift to Last All Year.” Advent program. INFORM. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1989. Distributed nationally.
Advent to Easter. Youth discussion program. Sydney: National Antioch, 1989.
Barnabas Handbook (Co-authored with Charles Gallagher, SJ). New Jersey: Pastoral & Matrimonial Renewal Centre, 1987.
For a series of articles relating to a Catholic response to October 7 and the surge in antisemitism, visit
"A Week of Goodness.” The Southern Cross (Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide). July 2024.
"Ten Ways to avoid anti-Judaism in Holy Week". Catholic Outlook (Diocese of Parramatta). 23 March 2024.
Pope Francis: Antisemitism is 'a sin against God'". Catholic Outlook (Diocese of Parramatta). 18 February 2024.
"Coming to Faith. A reflection on John 20:19-23." Tilling the Soil. Biblical Formation Resource of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion Australia Region, July 2023.
“'Drip feed' of anti-Judaism from Catholic pulpits has to stop". Accepted for Winter 2023 issue of The Swag (quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests Australia).
"Antisemitism and Adelaide Writers Week - why Catholics should care.” The Southern Cross (Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide). 29 March 2023.
"Five ways to avoid anti-Judaism this Lent." Catholic Outlook (Diocese of Parramatta). 25 March 2023.
“Why the Catholic Church does not seek to ‘convert’ Jews”, co-authored with Peter Wertheim AM. The Catholic Weekly (Archdiocese of Sydney). 24 March 2023.
“Perrottet’s shame presents a teachable moment for us all: A Catholic’s perspective.” ABC Religion & Ethics. 23 January 2023.
"Our changing Church: a Columban priest’s journey". Catholic Outlook (Diocese of Parramatta). 8 July 2022. Originally published at "Pathways" (Catholic Religious Australia, 2022)
“Jewish-Christian Relations. Continuing Challenges.” Australasian Catholic Record. Vol. 98, No. 4 (October 2021): 401-409.
“Scripture and Jewish-Christian Relations.” Australasian Catholic Record. Vol. 97, No. 4 (October 2020): 411-424.
“The Hour of the Domestic Church is Now.” Marriage Resource Centre E-Journal. 1 May 2020. Abridged version printed in Catholic Outlook (Diocese of Parramatta) 6 April 2021.
“Jewish-Christian Relations. Continuing Challenges.” Australian-Jewish Quarterly. Executive Council of Australian Jewry. August 2019.
“Shifting Views of Israel and Palestine.” Eureka Street. 6 May 2019.
Columnist for Madonna (spirituality magazine). Melbourne: Jesuit Publications. Six articles annually, 1997-2013.
Contributor to Mission and Spirituality News. Broken Bay Institute. 2008-2016 (25 articles).
“A new era in Jewish-Christian relations.” Aurora. Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. March 2015.
Chapter contribution to Australian Catholic Youth Ministry: Theological and Pastoral Foundations for Faithful Ministry. Edited by Fr Christian Fini and Fr Chris Ryan. Melbourne: Garratt Publishing, 2014.
“Learning from Judaism. A Christian Journey.” Eremos Spirituality Magazine, 2014.
“Family life in a post-conciliar pastoral agenda.” Australian Catholic University. Australian e-Journal of Theology. Vol.19, No.2, 2012.
Regular writer for CathNews Blog (a national online resource). 2011-2012.
“An Hour with Jean Vanier.” Australian Catholics (Jesuit Publications), 2004. Commissioned interview with Jean Vanier on his final visit to Australia.
Chapter contribution to Why I am still a Catholic: Stories of faith and belief. Edited by Kate Englebrecht. Melbourne: David Lovell Publishing, 2003.
Nine articles for the “Reflections” column of The Catholic Weekly in 2002.
Various written contributions in 2002 to Celebrate Love, marriage enrichment centre.
“The Development of the Antioch Movement in Australia.” Australasian Catholic Record. Vol 75 No 4 (October 1998): 417-423.
“People of the Spirit”. Commissioned vocations articles published in Kairos. Melbourne Archdiocese, Vol 9 No.7 (26 Apr-3 May 1998): 15-17 and Vol 9 No.8 (3-10 May 1998): 20-21.
“Reflections on the ‘Single’ Life.” The Catholic Weekly: Vocations Issue. Aug 1998.
“New Vocationers.” The Catholic Weekly: Vocations Sunday Issue. 20 Apr 1997 and 27 Apr 1997.
“Church Professionalism: when does it become lay elitism?” Redefining the Church: Vision and Practice. Edited by Richard Lennan. Sydney: EJ Dwyer, 1995.
"Women of the Word." A series of interviews commissioned by the Dominican Sisters. The Catholic Weekly, Vocations Sunday issue, 1995.
“Reflections at the Heart of Christmas.” Commissioned by Kairos Catholic Journal, Christmas issue 1993.
"Children of Vatican II: Young Adults in the Church Today”, Australasian Catholic Record, Vol LXX, July 1993. Abridged version published in The Catholic Weekly, 4 August 1993.
“The Touch of Easter: Resurrection Moments That Really Count”, Kairos Catholic Journal, Easter Edition 1993.
Pathfinders in a Changing Church: The role of Pastoral Associates in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Working document commissioned by Catholic Research Office for Pastoral Planning (Melbourne), July 1992.
"Paths to Priesthood" - series of six vocations articles commissioned by Catholic Vocations Centre Archdiocese of Melbourne and published by Kairos Catholic Journal, July 1992.
“Awaiting the Dawn: Palm Sunday Reflection”, commissioned by Kairos Catholic Journal, 1992.
“Through Eyes of Easter Faith: Easter Sunday Reflection”, commissioned by Kairos Catholic Journal, 1992.
"Family Prayer - Caught not taught", INFORM, Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990. National distribution.
"Parish-based Evangelisation", Australian Discipleship, June 1990.
"Laity - A Block to the Mission of the Church?" Australasian Catholic Record, lxvi No.4, Oct 1989.
"Ageism and Youth Ministry", Faith and Culture, Catholic Institute of Sydney, 1989.
"Matrimony: A Sign For Our Times", Interaction, Theological Students Association of NSW & ACT, 1989.
"A Family Affair", The Catholic Weekly, Papal Tour Edition, Nov 1986.
"To Live Out God's Plan", Studies: A Professional Journal for Educators in Australian Catholic Schools, Oct 1983.
Parish Bulletin Resources
Act Now for Persecuted Christians. Online parish education and prayer resource. Developed as an employee of the Pastoral Support Unit, Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, 2015.
Real People: The Gospel in Everyday Language (weekly Sunday bulletin sheets connecting gospel themes with the inspirational stories of everyday life), The Story Source, 1992-2002.
The Great Jubilee 2000. Parish Bulletin Kit. The Story Source, 2000.
50 Questions Catholics Ask (with Fr Brian Lucas). The Story Source, 1999.
Vocation: A Way of Life. A Way of Loving. The Story Source, 1999.
Turning Point. Parish Reconciliation Resource. The Story Source, 1998.
Family Meals Kit. Sydney: The Story Source, 1997.
The Great Jubilee 2000. Resource packages for preparation Years 1, 2, 3. Sydney: The Story Source, 1997, 1998, 1999.
100 Good Ideas for Communicating a Message for Life. Sydney: Euthanasia-No! Campaign, 1997.
Why We Do The Things We Do. Sydney: The Story Source, 1993.
Light of Torah series - published by Light of Torah:
A series of 200 brief articles promoting home-based Torah-study for Christians using Jewish sources. 2009-2014. Revised website 2021:
Landmarks series - published by The Story Source:
“Truth and the Truth Seeker”: Popular presentation of Veritatis Splendor. Landmarks No.1 Apr 1995.
“The Gospel of Life”: Popular presentation of Evangelium Vitae. Landmarks No.2 Jun 1995.
“That All May Be One”: Popular presentation of Ut Unum Sint. Landmarks No.3 Sept 1995.
“Gifted, Called, Sent”: Popular presentation of Christifideles Laici. Landmarks No.4 Dec 1995.
“Family: An Adventure in Love”: Popular presentation of Familiaris Consortio. Landmarks No.5 Apr 1996.
“Countdown! The Church Prepares for 2000”: Popular presentation of Tertio Millennio Adveniente. Landmarks No.6 Jun 1996.
“New Things One Hundred Years Later”: Popular presentation of Centesimus Annus. Landmarks No.7 Sept 1996.
“We Cannot But Speak”: Popular presentation of Redemptoris Missio. Landmarks No.8 Dec 1996.
“At the Foot of the Cross”: Popular presentation of Salvifici Doloris. Landmarks No.9 Apr 1997.
“One Family, Many Faces”: Popular presentation of Pope John Paul II’s speeches to indigenous peoples. Landmarks No.10 June 1997.
“Of Love and Life”: Popular presentation of Humanae Vitae. Landmarks No.11 Sept 1997.
“Spirit, Come”: Popular presentation of Dominum Vivificantem. Landmarks No.12 Nov 1997.
“Called by the Spirit”: Popular presentation of Pope John Paul II’s 1998 Vocations Message. Landmarks No.13 March 1998.
“To the Ends of the Earth”: Popular presentation of Paul VI’s encyclical Evangelii Nuntiandi. Landmarks No.14 June 1998.
“Sunday – the Soul of our Week”: Popular presentation of Dies Domini. Landmarks No.15 Sept 1998.
“Faith and Reason”: Popular presentation of Fides et Ratio. Landmarks No.16 Dec 1998.
“Sharing Our Country”: Popular presentation of Australian Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letters on Australia’s indigenous peoples. Landmarks No.17 Mar 1999.
“Light of the Nations”: Popular presentation of Lumen Gentium. Landmarks No.18 June 1999.
“Interfaith Dialogue”: Popular presentation of Nostra Aetate. Landmarks No.19 Sept 1999.
“And the Word was Made Flesh”: Popular presentation of Redemptor Hominis. Landmarks No.20 Dec 1999.
“Footsteps on the Journey of Faith”: Popular presentation of Pilgrimage in the Great Jubilee. Landmarks No.21 Mar 2000.
“The First Disciple”: Popular presentation of Redemptoris Mater Landmarks No.22 June 2000.
“The Theology of the Body”: Popular presentation of Pope John Paul II’s reflections on sexuality. Landmarks No.23 Sept 2000.
“The Mercy of God”: Popular presentation of Dives in Misericordia. Landmarks No.24 Dec 2000.
“Into the Deep”: Popular presentation of Novo Millennio Ineunte. Landmarks No.25 Mar 2001.
“The Dignity of Women”: Popular presentation of Mulieris Dignitatem. Landmarks No.26 June 2001.
“For the Sake of the Human Family”: Popular presentation of Sollicitudo rei Socialis. Landmarks No.27 Sept 2001.
“All in a Day’s Work”: Popular presentation of Laborem Exercens. Landmarks No.28 Dec 2001.
“The Church in Oceania”: Popular presentation of Ecclesia in Oceania. Landmarks No.29 Mar 2002.
“Peace, Justice, Forgiveness”: Popular presentation of World Day of Peace message 2002. Landmarks No.30 June 2002.
“The Church and Racism”: Popular presentation of the 2001 update to the 1988 document on the Church and Racism (Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace). Landmarks No.31 Sept 2002.
“The Rhythm of Life”: Popular presentation of Rosarium Virginis Mariae. Landmarks No.32 Dec 2002.
Plus three supplements to the Landmarks series covering:
Pope John Paul II’s Message for the World Day of the Sick, 2001.
Peace and Everyday Life: World Day of Peace message by Cardinal Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, 2002.
Pontifical Academy for Life: Declaration on the Production and the Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells, 2000.
Handy Hints & Hand-Outs (Volumes I, II & III):
Three collections of parish pamphlets (approx. 100 titles) published by The Story Source 1992-2002.
Sample titles:
Father’s Day leaflet
How To Speak the Truth in the Debate on Euthanasia
When the Church Lets Us Down
When Tragedy Strikes
The Bishop: Sacrament of Christ, Sacrament of the Church
An Action A Day for Advent
Gifts of the Heart: A Christmas Catalogue with a Difference
Simple Ways to Invite, Welcome, Affirm at Christmas Time
Reaching the Invisible Catholics
The Way of the Cross
Lent: The Journey We Make Together
The Easter Triduum
Lenten Footprints
Tips for Making a Lenten Commitment
Holy Week Reflections
An Action A Day for Lent
Easter: A Reason to be Joyful
Fifty Ways to Give and Receive Life this Easter
Walking the Road to Emmaus
Bible Sunday
Listening to God’s Word
Towards 2000: A Tool for Reflection
Six Training Tips for Big League Catholics
Talking About Vocations: What are we afraid of?
Ever Thought of Becoming A Catholic?
All Saints Day: Our Family Tree
More Pamphlets:
Ten Ways. 30 leaflets promoting faith in the home. Sydney: The Story Source, 1994-2002. Revised 2010.
Turning Point: A Three Step Lenten Plan Towards Reconciliation. Commissioned by Catholic Diocese of Wollongong, February 1997.
Foundation Stones of a Living Parish. Pastoral planning discussion document commissioned by Parish Staffing Committee, Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn, 1996.
Euthanasia: Raising Questions at Society's Roots. Commissioned by Catholic Communications Sydney Archdiocese, 1995.
Future Directions. Sydney: Dominican Congregation, 1994.
Once a Catholic? Is it time to start again? Commissioned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Catechumenate Office, 1993.
Dawn of A New Era: Popular presentation of the Pastoral Instruction Aetatis Novae on Social Communications. Melbourne Archdiocese: Catholic Communications, 1992.
World Communications Sunday: A New Challenge for a New Culture. Melbourne Archdiocese: Catholic Communications, 1992.
In addition to those listed, many other educational resources were written during my employment with the Catholic Schools Office, Broken Bay Diocese (2014-2020) and with the Parish Support Unit, Broken Bay Diocese (2014-2015) on topics relating to Scripture, Parent Formation, Teacher Formation, Studies in Catholic Thought, Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations.
Podcast for Australian Women Preach, No.178, 4 August 2024.
Response presented at the official launch of the 2023 Statement of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference "Walking Together: Catholics with Jews in the Australian Context", 21 March 2023, Mary Mackillop Place, North Sydney.
Presentations to: clergy conferences - Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn (2022); Catholic Diocese of Parramatta (2023); to Catholic teachers - Sydney Catholic Schools (2022); to Australian Catholic University students (2023).
Ninety-three entries for God’s Word. Daily Reflections. 2019, 2021 and 2023 editions. St Pauls Publications Australia.
Thirty-one entries accepted for publication, 2025 edition.
Abridged versions of the six Thematic Discernment Documents for the preparatory phase to the Plenary Council in Australia. Commissioned and completed September 2020.
Scripture in Song. World Youth Day Preparatory Gathering (CD). Presentation to 500 Antioch Youth. Sydney: National Antioch, September 2018.
Thirty-five items for CathKids online resource for schools. Sydney: Living Well Media, 2014.
"Annunciation." A contribution to Heart Space: A Compilation of Prayers and Reflections by Catholic Women of Australia, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, 2010.
G’Day God. Prayers by Young Australians. Series of booklets distributed nationally to Catholic schools. Compiled by Teresa Pirola & Peter Gates. Sydney: Catholic Mission, 1998.
Editorial roles:
Our Stories, Our Lives, Our Mission: Catholic Religious in Australia. Edited by Teresa Pirola and Sylvia MacRitchie Hook. Catholic Religious Australia and St Pauls Publications, 2023. Details here.
Network News. Australian Catechumenate Network, 1994-1996.
News from the Catechumenate. Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1989-1991.
Alternatives. Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1989-1991.
The Good News of Antioch. National Antioch, 1991, 1995.
Member of the Editorial Board for the Australasian Catholic Record, 1993-1996.
Collaborative contribution to:
Parish Kits on family-related topics produced by the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Committee for the Family and for Life, 1997-2002.
Heart To Heart. Sacred Heart Catholic Parish Mosman (six issues, 1995-96).
Tomorrow’s Church: A Plan For Leadership (Report summary for parishes). C.R.O.P.P. Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, 1994.
FSG Papers. A weekly publication of Australian Catholic Tertiary Students, Sydney, 1992.
Celebrate Love. Marriage Enrichment Program. Australian edition. Sydney: Pastoral & Matrimonial Renewal Centre, 1991.
The Story We Share: Lenten Program. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1991.
PARISH 2000 Planning Team Handbook. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
PARISH 2000 Task Team Handbook. Sydney Archdiocese: Catholic Adult Education Centre, 1990.
Calling Disciples. New Jersey: Pastoral & Matrimonial Renewal Centre, 1984.