Freelance Faith Educator

About Me
I am a Sydney-based freelance writer and faith educator with a significant track-record in developing catechetical resources for grassroots Catholic audiences. I invite you to engage my skills as a thinker, writer and animator with many years’ experience in the field of Catholic faith formation. I am known for publications and pastoral strategies that distil the complexities of doctrine and theology into accessible formats for busy people in parishes, homes, classrooms.
I work closely with graphic designer Cyrilla Adelia Almeida (cdesigns).
For a seamless production process we can be contracted together as a team,
or contracted separately to suit your project needs.
Print and online resources tailored to your diocesan pastoral agenda.
Parish & School Resources
Advent and Lenten Programs. Sacramental Programs. Scriptural and Lectionary-Based Catechesis.
REC support.
Home-Based Spirituality
Jewish-Christian Relations
Family-friendly resources accentuating 'home as a holy place'. Gospel themes expressed through relational stories and home rituals.
Homiletic and teaching resources that promote a love for the Hebrew Scriptures and respect for the traditions of the Jewish people, in keeping with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.